I’ve been tagged by Angelika.
The Rules:
Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know theyâve been tagged.
My 8 random things:
1. I find it difficult to write in english but I try 😉
2. Spring is my favorite season
3. My car is red
4. I live in Bonn
5. I really like my work
6. Reading Blogs is meanwhile more important than reading newspapers
7. My children like only 50% of the meals I cook, I don’t know why?
8. I love baking
And now I have to tag 8 people….
Bianca, Beate, Aud, Wapiti, Ekke, Vera, und Martina
So, das war anstrengend….
ich kann schon nicht mehr zählen. 7 ist aber auch schon gut, wer möchte, kann sich dies Teil ja noch mitnehmen, dann sind es 8.
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